Our strategy

Our ambition is to provide consistently high quality, safe and effective mental health, learning disability and community services to all people across Hampshire and Isle of Wight. The way we deliver this ambition is by working in partnership: partnership with people who use our services, with our communities, with our staff and with our NHS, local government and third sector partners.

As a new Trust, we are working in partnership to build our strategy, which is our plan for how we will achieve our ambition. So far, we have worked with our patients, staff and partners to develop our values, and our clinical strategy (see below).

Our clinical strategy sets out the principles for how our services will work to achieve our ambition. It is based on evidence and best practice and feedback from our patients, families, carers and staff. The principles are:

  • We will embed a culture and practice of continuous improvement, innovation and research to deliver high quality care.
  • All decisions about care and treatment will benefit from both lived and learned experience. The term ‘lived experience’ describes people whose expertise is derived primarily through the lens of living with a condition or accessing any of the Trust's services, including as a family member or unpaid carer. ‘Learned experience’ is where a person’s expertise around a condition or service provision is learned through training and workplace experience.
  • We will work with our health and care system partners, supporting people of all ages and helping people to stay physically and mentally healthy, with a greater emphasis on preventing ill-health.
  • We will work alongside communities, collaborating effectively to wrap services around the needs of individuals and measure ourselves according to outcomes that matter.
  • We will ensure that there is effective clinical and professional leadership, underpinned by a workforce equipped to deliver high quality care.

Strategic priorities

We are now developing our strategic priorities by asking people across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight what matters most to them. Our strategic priorities are the most important things that we need to do, that will make the biggest difference to our patients and communities.

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We would like to thank everyone one who has shared their views with us about what’s important to them to help us to shape our new Trust. Our hope is to tackle all of the things they have told us in time, but we also need to be realistic and focus on the immediate priorities – the things that matter most to people.

Between now and the end of the year, we will be providing a range of opportunities for people to get involved and tell us what is most important to them. Together let’s continue shaping the future of local community, mental health and learning disability services across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Our plan, which we call our Trust Strategy, is important because it will bring together: 

  • the things you have told us that you want to see improve; 

  • the information that tells us who is using our services and their health outcomes; 

  • the areas that our local health system partners have told us are important for the health of the local population, and 

  • the priorities that the government has set for improvements in health services across the country.

Nationally and regionally, the focus of the government and our integrated care system is a shift towards services out of hospital with greater focus on primary care (those services provided by GP practices and pharmacies) and community services.  It is also about helping to ensure people are supported before they end up needing hospital treatment and preventing them from becoming ill in the first place by proactively supporting them to stay healthy and well.  Looking at their whole experience of care rather than individual episodes and ensuring organisations and teams work in a more joined up way, maximising innovation and research. There is also a strong focus on mental health services, ensuring that these are robust and providing the right support and treatment and follow up care for people who need our support.  This is also our focus as a community, mental health and learning disability services Trust.

Locally, we also need to consider that we cover a large area with many unique, local geographical challenges and differences.  We want to ensure that our plan can support people to have the same access, experiences and outcome from our services no matter where they live and that the distinct needs of local communities across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight can be met locally through the services we and others provide. 

As a community, mental health and learning disability services Trust, it is also important that our five-year plan is focused on the services we provide across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

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Find out more about our services here.

Over the last 18 months, as we have been listening to our staff and partners and talking to you about your hopes and concerns for the creation of the new Trust, you have shared with us a wide range of things that are important to you.  From having care delivered locally on your doorstep, to reducing waiting times for treatment, having better access to services, more joined-up services and improved information.

From all of the feedback we received, it was clear that you felt that the new Trust needs to do two things, in particular, really well:

  1. Deliver local, joined up care, close to homes and tailored to the needs of individuals and communities
  2. Deliver more consistent care across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, to reduce the ‘postcode lottery’ of access, experience and outcomes

As we look to create our five-year plan, we’re keen to identify a set of priorities that helps us deliver those aims.

We want to create our five-year plan together; continuing to work with you, with our staff, partners, those who use our services, their families and carers and our local communities.

Our hope is to tackle all of the things you have told us in time, but we also need to be realistic and focus on the immediate priorities. So, we want to find out what matters most to you?  And what would make you think we are getting it right for you?

This, together with our clinical data and information about the health of our local population, will help us to define a realistic, clear set of tangible and measurable priorities for our new Trust to focus on over the next five years.

Between now and the end of the year, we will be providing further opportunities for you to get involved in shaping our strategy and our priorities. You will be able to do this in a number of ways:

  • Responding to our survey (coming soon!)
  • Joining a community conversation 
  • Taking part in a workshop (more details and dates coming soon!)
  • Emailing us with your views at project@fusion.hiow.nhs.uk

If you are interested in helping us shape our future plans, please email us at project@fusion.hiow.nhs.uk with your preferred contact details and we will get in touch with more information.

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