Serenity Path Hospital (formerly Leigh House) is an acute adolescent psychiatric service providing inpatient treatment for young people between the ages of 13 to 18 years.
The unit provides a comprehensive treatment programme for young people experiencing acute mental illness, such as depression and psychotic disorders. We also have particular expertise in the management of young people suffering from anorexia nervosa.
The principle aim of Serenity Path Hospital is to improve the young person’s level of functioning to the point where they are able to live in the community, with the support of their families and local services.
We provide care for:
- severe eating disorders
- acute psychotic illness
- mood disorders
- severe obsessive compulsive disorder
- acute phobic disorders
- severe anxiety disorders.
Every young person is allocated representatives from each professional discipline to form a ‘core team’. They co-ordinate the assessment, care and treatment plans during the young person’s stay. This plan is monitored and evaluated at regular intervals and may include:
Individual counselling, family therapy, therapeutic group work, creative therapies (art & music), social and daily living activity programmes.
Serenity Path Hospital also provides emergency access when required, subject to bed availability.
Serenity Path Hospital has its own purpose-built education unit, consisting of four classrooms, two offices and spacious art room.
We have our own specialist staff in the Hospital Education Team comprising eight teachers, one learning support assistant and an administrative/exams officer. Hampshire County Council employs all education staff who work here.
We provide a safe and supportive educational environment and the team is very experienced in dealing sensitively with the highly individual circumstances of each new pupil.
As soon as possible after admission to hospital, you and your parent(s)/carer(s) are introduced to the relevant staff to ensure we are well informed about your education whilst at Serenity Path Hospital.
You will need to contact your GP, who can make a referral to the Community Child & Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS) for assessment.
Following assessment by the Community CAMHS Team, it will be determined what support and treatment is required. In some cases, an inpatient admission will be necessary. If this is the case, then the Community CAMHS Team will refer to Serenity Path Hospital for further assessment.
Referral information for professionals
We can only accept referrals from a Tier 3 Community CAMHS Service either made by a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, or if by another professional within the service, this must be endorsed by a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist.
Contact number
Email address
How to find us
Address: Alresford Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1HD
Free parking is available on site for visitors.
Useful resources
- Visit This May Help (a website with advice for supporting your child’s mental health)