About the Centre
We provide a range of children and community health services from Adelaide Health Centre.
Further information on the services can be found below:
Health Visiting - Southampton
The Southampton Health Visiting service leads the Healthy Child Programme for children 0-5 years. We provide a universal, targeted and specialist health service to families. For further information please visit the Healthier Together Website.
The Service is available Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm only.
Contact number: 0300 123 6661
Email: southamptonhealthvisiting@solent.nhs.uk
Community Paediatric Continence Service
The Children's Continence Service sees children from the age of 2-16 with soiling, constipation, day wetting and night wetting. They also support children with additional needs with toileting support.
Provision of containments products is also provided for those children with additional needs from the age of 4 years that are eligible.
Contact number: 0300 123 3797
Email: childrenscontinenceSAPT@solent.nhs.uk
Childrens Community Asthma Nurse Specialists
The Community Children’s Asthma Nurse Specialist provides short term specialist support and interventions to children and young people up to the age of 16 years old with an asthma diagnosis, or those who have suspected asthma and are taking asthma treatments.
The aim of the service is to improve the long term management of asthma in children and young people in order improve quality of life, improve asthma outcomes, subsequently helping to prevent and reduce hospital admissions
The service is open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact number: 0300 1234 153
Email: childrenscommunityasthmawest@solent.nhs.uk
Children's Therapy Service
Our services include:
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Podiatry (South East Hampshire and Portsmouth only)
- Fatigue Serivce (via GP referrals)
For more information on any of these services, visit the Healthier Together website here.
The service is open 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact number: 0300 300 2019
The Podiatry Service is made up of clinical foot experts who aim to drive personalised quality care for patients with complex medical and foot health to optimise quality of life.
We are a dedicated team of around 65 members of staff, which include Podiatrists, Podiatry Assistants and Admin. We work across a large geographical area over Portsmouth, Southampton, West and East Hampshire.
The service is open 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact number: 0300 300 2012
Email: Podiatry@solent.nhs.uk
Tissue Viability / Leg Ulcer Service
The Southampton Tissue Viability Team are based at the Adelaide Health Centre and will see patients in the Community, Community Hospitals, GP Practice, Nursing Homes and in Clinic.
Our role is to support health care professionals in clinical practice by providing teaching, information and advice. The service is for clients who have tissue viability needs and are registered with a GP in the Southampton area.
The service is open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact number: 0300 123 3947
Contact number
How to find us
Adelaide Health Centre, William Macleod Way, Southampton, SO16 4XE
Parking is free and disabled spaces are available.