Compliments and Complaints

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Please tell us what you think about our services, good or bad. We like to receive your feedback so we can make our services better. 

There are lots of ways you can tell us about our services. 

You can contact our Service User and Carer Lead who will be able to help you. 


The Carers and Patients Support Hub provides a friendly support service, where you can share your feedback.

You can find out more information on the Carers and Patients Support Hub page and download leaflets

The complaints team provides a friendly support service, where you can raise a concern or complaint.

You can find out more information on the team and download the easy read leaflet on the website here.

You can complete this short form to compliment us on our service. 

We woud like to know what you think about our service. 

We have a short easy read survey for you to complete to tell us how you feel about the service


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