About the service
West Hampshire Enteral Nutrition Service looks after adults who have a feeding tube in the community. This service supports adults who are registered with a GP in the New Forest, Lyndhurst, Totton and Waterside, Romsey, Southern Parishes and Avon Valley.
What we do
The team is made up of dietitians, specialist nutrition nurses, speech and language therapy and enteral feeding assistants. We support with:
- Training for people with newly placed tubes and their family/carers
- Advice and hands on support to resolve tube and feed related issues
- Support with feed and ancillaries supplies
- Nutritional review
Accessing the service
We hold regular clinics in a variety of locations and at selected care homes. Home visits can be arranged if required.
Criteria to access this service:
- Aged 18 or over*
- Patient has an enteral feeding tube e.g. PEG, RIG, balloon gastrostomy, jejunostomy
- Patient’s enteral nutrition is not being reviewed by a specialist MDT which can better monitor their overall care
- The patient is registered with a GP at a list of practices
How to find us
Address: Romsey Hospital, Winchester Hill, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 7ZA
Contact information
Email address
Out of hours
24 hour advice line via Nutricia Homeward
Further information
- Read full criteria document for referrals
- Access referral form for this service