Mental Health Recovery Teams

About the service

Teams of experienced Mental Health Nurses, Support Workers, Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Social Workers providing assessment and treatment for adults of working age with severe and enduring mental health problems.

What we do

The Assessment to Intervention (A2i) Team is the entry point to Mental Health Services. Routine referrals are first received by the A2i team, who then decide whether to assess a patient or signpost to a more appropriate treatment. Referrals will be assessed within 4 weeks. Urgent referrals should be sent to Crisis Resolution Home Treatment (CRHT) team.

The service is for people with conditions that cannot be managed within primary care. For example:

  • mental illness which requires diagnosis, or the medical opinion of a psychiatrist
  • severe psychotic disorders
  • severe depression
  • severe emotional difficulties that could lead to harmful behaviour
  • severe personality disorders
  • severe types of obsessive/compulsive disorder, phobia or anxiety spectrum disorders
  • patients with a gender identity disorder, who require a mental health assessment prior to referral to a gender identity clinic
  • mental illness together with substance misuse, a disability and/or developmental disorder


Accessing the service

Referrals are accepted from qualified professionals, including GPs and Talking Change. 

Referrals must include as much relevant information as possible about a person's current and previous mental health history. 

How to find us

St Marys Community Hospital Campus
Block A, 1st and 3rd floors
Milton Road

Contact information

Telephone: 0300 123 3921
Opening hours are: Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm

Accessibility tools

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