Memory Matters

About the service

Sharing information leaflet.jpgWe run courses for people with dementia and the people who care for them. Our courses are designed to provide information, support and advice in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Courses for carers and patients are separate, but both are a good opportunity to meet people who are in similar situations. Carers can get further information about dementia and find out about what help is available. You can also share feelings or difficulties and find ways for you and your loved one to cope with the condition. Patients can meet other people with memory problems, find ways to cope with their problems and get further information about memory loss.

What we do

The course covers: 

  • What is dementia
  • Treatments for dementia
  • Roles of health professionals
  • Support with carer stress
  • Relaxation/breathing exercises
  • Activities and communication
  • Making the most of your memory
  • Alzheimer’s Society, clubs and community resources
  • Finances and benefits
  • Information about the Mental Capacity Act
  • Common difficulties in dementia and ways of coping
  • Maintaining physical health in dementia
  • Memory aids to help improve memory
  • How stress affects memory
  • Memory problems and relationships
  • Maintaining skills and confidence.

Accessing the service

To book onto the course, contact your local Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) to find out when the next course is running. The course is free and normally involves eight weekly sessions, which each last about one to two hours.  

Further information

If you’re concerned about leaving the person you care for to attend the course, speak to your local CMHT who can discuss the options available. You can also let us know if you don’t have the necessary transport to attend the course. 

Accessibility tools

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