Local support for children and young people on the Isle of Wight

Support for Children, Young People and Families

If you feel that you need more support and want to talk to someone here on the Island, perhaps face-face, then there are lots of organisations that can provide that support.

The 0-19 Public Health nursing team consists of both qualified midwives or nurses with specialist training in Public Health, Senior Support Workers, Community Nursery Nurses, Support workers and administrative staff. Their services are offered to all children under 19 who live on the Isle of Wight including those currently in elective home education. The team promotes the health and wellbeing of children, young people and local families.

Families can contact the Health Visiting and School Nursing Duty Line: Tel: 01983 821388 and pressing option 1 when prompted (Monday-Friday 9am - 4.30pm) including school holidays.

You can also contact School Nursing on tel: 07341 868124.

Our Family Hubs and Centres offer information, advice and support to families on the Isle of Wight who are expecting a baby or with children aged 0-19 years (25 for those with special educational needs or disabilities).  We recognise being a parent is rewarding but also brings its challenges as every child is unique. To help you understand your child and their needs we offer a range of parenting programmes and services to cover all ages and stages including online courses and workshops.

Find out more here: Welcome To Isle Of Wight Family Centres : Isle Of Wight Family Centres.

Barnardo's Young Carers provides support to young carers and their families on a needs-led basis. At the moment, this includes:

  • Phone and email support for young carers and their families
  • 1:1 support in schools
  • A listening ear
  • Activity packs supporting emotional literacy and resilience
  • Liaison with schools
  • Liaison with other professionals e.g. children's services etc
  • Ideas, suggestions and links for education, physical and mental wellbeing
  • Information and guidance to help young carers and families receive further services that can provide support
  • Remote counselling for those most impacted

Breakout Youth offer a confidential engaging, participative fun, supportive service for young people aged 11 to 21 (up to 25 for young people with additional needs), who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning or unsure of their sexuality or gender identity. Breakout Youth provided a range of services including fortnightly youth group sessions and one-on-one support for young people aged between 11 and 21 years (up to 25 with additional needs).

Breakout Youth provides face-to-face support and will also be launching a virtual youth group for young people that may not be able to attend an in-person youth group.

You can also email hello@breakoutyouth.org.uk.

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) service provides a service to children and young people aged 0-18yrs and their families who are experiencing emotional health and wellbeing difficulties.

Parents, children, and young people can contact the service to discuss how they can access the service’s support. Tel: 01983 523602 (Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 5pm, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm.

You can also ask a health professional to refer you to the service, adolescents can also refer themselves to the service. You can find more about the CAMHS service here and they have recently set up a CAMHS Facebook page which has lots of helpful resources and ideas. The page is called Isle of Wight CAMHS which you can visit here.

A free and confidential service for all children and young people aged 24 and under, supporting young people affected by drugs or alcohol. We work with you to achieve your goals, and can come to you. You can get help using an online referral form (www.inclusioniow.org), or by calling 01983 526654, emailing inclusioniow@mpft.nhs.uk or texting on 07980 778876.

The IW Youth Trust is the largest independent provider of youth mental health services on the Island and it offers a free, confidential service for young people aged between 4-25 years of age.

Tel: 01983 529569 (10am - 4pm, Mon - Fri).

Visit IW Youth Trust website for information and support for children and young people, parents, carers and professionals.

Havant and East Hants MIND run a Freephone crisis line available to all children and young people aged 11-17 living in Hampshire or the Isle of Wight. Young people calling the crisis line will receive immediate access to 1:1 confidential, emotional support; advice on healthy coping skills and resources; signposting to useful apps and websites.

Opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm to 8.30pm.

Call FREE on 0300 303 1590 during the above times.

For urgent help, organisations such as Papyrus can also provide a high level of support.

There is also Pan-Hampshire and IW Self-harm Pathway. This pathway relates to all children under 18 years who present with self-harm behaviour.

Youth charity No Limits provides mental health support for people aged 11 to 17 years old who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Called Space 4U, it provides young people instant access for emotional and practical support with their mental health, providing tools and techniques to make positive changes. Currently the service is available by appointment only - on Mondays between 6pm and 8pm, at East Newport Family Centre, Furrlongs, Newport and on Tuesdays between 4.30pm and 6.30pm at Sandown Family Centre, The Fairway, Sandown. To arrange an appointment call 07741 665182 or click here to speak to a youth worker on webchat.

The Children’s Wellbeing Support Service provides much needed early intervention and support for parents of children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs which can present in a similar way to Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attachment Disorder, anxiety, and poor emotional wellbeing.

Families identified as having difficulties such as the above can be referred to the Wellbeing Support Service who will work with parents to identify needs and recommend onward support where appropriate. By providing early, targeted support through a child-centred approach, the service aims to:

  • Support parent(s) to enable children to self-manage and maintain good emotional wellbeing
  • Reduce inappropriate diagnosis
  • Support parent(s) to enable children to get the most from their education
  • Promote a healthy home environment and improve family dynamics
  • Promote inclusion in schools

A dedicated team of experienced practitioners provide the following services and support for children living on the Island:

  • Support parents to evaluate their child’s needs, behaviour and emotional wellbeing
  • Support for parents/carers, including help with developing a positive home/school relationship, as well as direct work with parents/carers
  • Support families regarding crisis management and conflict resolution
  • Support parents to learn strategies that work for them, so that they can enable their child to self-regulate their behaviour
  • Support families to develop their strengths, emotional resilience and independence
  • Support families to become better engaged with their child’s learning and enable them to access more of the curriculum

Access to the service can be made via referrals through health professionals.

The service is aimed at children from Year R through to Year 6, regardless of their education status.

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) are a newly established service in the treatment of mild to moderate mental health conditions. The MHST on the Isle of Wight is a multi-agency collaborative formed of the IW Youth Trust, Barnardo’s and the IW NHS Trust. As we are a developing service we are currently working towards being in all schools across the Island.

Our work involves working with schools to establish a, “Whole school approach,” to improving mental health. This could include workshops, staff consultation and special assemblies for example. In primary schools we work directly with parents in groups or on an individual basis on how to manage their child’s anxiety or challenging behaviour. In secondary schools we offer group work or 1 to 1 CBT. This is for mild to moderate conditions such as anxiety and low mood. We are an early intervention and prevention service. All our work is based on latest evidence and CBT.

We only take referrals through our MHST referral meetings held in school with the schools designated mental health lead (DSMHL). Our schools lead on what work they would like from the MHST. This may mean that the MHST in your school does not offer individual CBT. If you would like a referral to the MHST please contact the school’s DSMHL. For further information only about the MHST please contact us via our email address; iownt.mhst@nhs.net. Please note we are not an urgent mental health service and referrals can only be made via school.

Support for children in care

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You can also contact the Children in Care and Care Leavers Nursing Team. The team promotes and supports the health and wellbeing of children in care and care leavers and offers advice and support to you, your carers, and social workers to address any health or wellbeing concerns you might have. Tel: 01983 524081 and ask for the Children in Care Team.

For children in the care of the local authority, for example, living with foster carers, you may also want to talk to the Children in Care team. Tel: Children’s Services on 01983 823434 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm). Out of hours please call 0300 3000 117.

Local authority foster carers can also call the fostering team on 01983 823160 (Monday - Thursday, 9am - 5pm, Friday 9am - 4.30pm). During the Coronavirus outbreak these hours have been extended to 8am - 10pm, Monday - Friday and weekends and bank holidays 10am - 6pm.

Support for children with SEND or Physical Disabilities

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Parents can get in touch with the Children’s (Paediatric) Occupational Therapy Service - a community based service for children between 0 - 18 years, or up to 19 years if still in full-time education. The service is provided to all infants, children and young people who have functional difficulties and cannot be met through the universal Occupational Therapy provision. It works with infants and children and their caregivers to maximise their potential for performance in developmental and functional activities of daily living at home and school. Areas would include play, eating, dressing and personal care, fine motor skills, self-regulation, accessing the school and community environment, advice to school around equipment, hobbies, sports and after school clubs.

The Isle of Wight Council has created a ‘local offer’ website designed to help parents and carers find the right support for children with special educational needs and disabilities you can access this website here.

Useful helplines

Accessibility tools

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