You are a carer if you support someone else regardless of your age. It could be your job to look after people as a paid carer, or you may be an unpaid carer looking after our partner, child, sister, brother, friend or other family member.
As a carer you may be looking after someone who needs support with their mental health. This section of our website provides links to resources to help you cope while supporting someone else and what you can do to support them and where to find help.
It can be exhausting being a carer, both physically and mentally so it is really important that you take the time to look after your own mental health. There is a lot of support – both nationally and here on the Isle of Wight – to help you if you are feeling low, stressed or think you have more serious mental health problems. Click on the boxes below for more information.
Simply talking to someone, either on the phone or via an online forum or group can bring huge benefits to your mental health. Whether it is just talking about your day to day routine or sharing experiences of how you are feeling and the pressures you face, connecting with others can be a huge help.
Carer FIRST’s Carer Forum
For carers aged 18+, Carer FIRST’s Carer Forum gives carers the opportunity to chat with other carers who may find themselves in similar situations.
Carers UK online forum
Carers UK online forum is a charity for carers offering advice and information, carers can Once you are a member you can access its online forum.
Gransnet's Care and Carers forum
Gransnet’s Care and Carers Forum for older carers to chat to like-minded people
Scope's online community for parents and carers
Scope’s Online Community for Parents and Carersprovides advice about caring for disabled children or adults – online chat room discussions including mental health issues.
Parents Voice
Parents Voice is the parents and carers forum for parents of children with SEND on the Isle of Wight. They can be contacted via email to
Sue Ryder Online Community
If someone you care for is dying or has died, the Sue Ryder Online Community is somewhere you can go to get things off your chest, share experiences and talk to people in a similar situation.
Bereavement support for anyone affected by suicide Amparo
Free and confidential support for people of all ages for as long as you need it. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation. The service can be delivered in your home or wherever you are most comfortable. Call 0330 088 9255. Please note this is not a crisis line.
Here on the Isle of Wight there is support available for carers of all ages. Carers IW and YMCA Young Carers are two important organisations which provide support on the phone and online, as well as helping to arrange respite, face-to-face support and group activities to connect carers and direct you to the right support for you.
Carers IW
Carers IW provides a host of support for unpaid adult carers aged over 18 years old caring for another adult over 18 years old. If you are a carer to someone who would struggle without your help and you would like to know what support is available, please get in touch with Carers IW.
Carers IW have a Carers Centre based at the back of the Riverside Centre which is open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday. They also have a phoneline for all adult carers 01983 533173 open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm (weekends for urgent calls only).
They offer a range of support including completing Carers Assessments, a weekly social group, male carers group, weekly mental health carers drop in, weekly Art and Craft session, Self-Care Cafe, Training, quiet days, meditation, care home support group, dementia forum and emotional support as well as mental health and carer resilience workshops. You can either drop in Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm or call Carers IW on 01983 533173 or you can email them at or visit their website here.
Carers IW also has a Loan Library which consists of many carer or illness related books, a sensory interactive dog, cat or baby, as well as other items to try including talking tiles, movement sensor lights, coloured glasses, pill dispenser, one button radio, big button remote, key fobs, signage, anti-flood plug and a twiddle muff. Most items can be borrowed for up to 28 days giving you a chance to see if they are useful. Carers IW also have a team of Ring Round supporters who offer regular telephone contact with carers.
If your cared-for person is in hospital Carers IW can also offer you support. They have a Carers Lounge at St Mary’s Hospital based at the entrance to Apply Ward and can arrange free parking or reduced price sustenance if the person you care for is an inpatient. The team offer support and advice and work closely with the Integrated Discharge Team. Please ring 01983 552568 or email the Carers Lounge at
Carers IW also has a Carers Lounge at Sevenacres offering tailored support to unpaid carers including emotional support, attending reviews or completing carers assessments. Please ring 01983 552401 or email the Carers Lounge at
Young Carers : Isle Of Wight Family Centres
There are many young carers on the Isle of Wight caring for parents, siblings or other relatives. The average age of a carer is just 12 years old, and some can be as young as five. Support available includes activities and outings to give a break from caring responsibilities, one-to-one support, working with schools on how to support young carers and their families as well as emotional wellbeing support and interventions.
Fine out more, including how to make a referral, by visiting their website:
Young Carers : Isle Of Wight Family Centres, emailing: or by calling one of the island's centres
Newport Family Hub: 01983 529208
Ryde Family Hub: 01983 617617
Sandown Family Hub: 01983 408718
Parents Voice
Parent carers is the parents and carers forum for parents of children with SEND on the Isle of Wight. They can be contacted via email to
Your GP
You can also talk to your GP about how you are feeling, they will be able to offer you advice and refer you to specialist support if needed.
Knowing what to do when someone has a mental health problem and how best to help them as their carer can be difficult, but there is information available that can help you.
Mind has lots of helpful information and advice on how to provide support and help the person you are caring for take steps to help themselves. It contains information on many different types of mental health problem including – and not limited to - bipolar disorder, depression, eating problems, hoarding, panic attacks, personality disorders and self-harm.
The Carers Trust is also a useful resource with lots of information about looking after someone with mental health problems and help if your own mental health is being affected by your caring role. Click here for more details.
Supportline is a good source of information for carers – particularly those who are isolated or vulnerable. You can access supportline here.
See also our pages on support for adults with learning disability and autism and support for veterans.
Anxiety UK 03444 775 774
Alzheimer’s 0333 1503456
Amparo 0330 088 9255 (bereavement support for anyone affected by suicide)
CALM 0800 58 58 58
Childline 0800 1111
Carers IW 01983 533173
CRUSE (bereavement) 0808 808 1677
Dementia UK 0800 888 6678
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Crisis Line for Young People 0300 303 1590
LGBT+ Domestic Abuse helpline 0800 999 5428
Mencap (learning disabilities) 0808 808 1111
Men’s advice line 0808 801 0327
MIND 0300 123 3393
Mountbatten 01983 533331
No Panic 0844 967 4848
OCD UK 0333 212 7890
Papyrus (young suicide prevention) 0800 068 4141
Rethink 0300 5000 927
SafeHaven (IW) 01983 520168
Samaritans 116 123
SANE 0300 304 7000
Silverline 0800 4 70 80 90
The Mix (young people) 0808 808 4994
You Trust (IW) domestic abuse helpline 0800 234 6266
Young Minds 0808 802 5544
Youth Trust (IW) 01983 529 569
There are lots of resources available online to help you or someone you care for is feeling low, stressed or has anxiety.
In the first instance try looking at online resources like NHS Every Mind Matters which has information, podcasts and other tools that you can explore, read or listen to. You can access this website here.
There are also NHS approved resources which you can view here or you could explore mindfulness exercises to help you relax and focus.
The Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Wellbeing Service also runs a website which has really useful resources with top tips to help you manage your wellbeing, food and nutrition, anxiety, communication and assertiveness. They also have series of videos on loss and grief, anger and frustration, mindfulness, benefits of exercise, muscle relaxation, sleep hygiene and more. Plus a dedicated Facebook page with helpful tips and information.
Think Ninja is also a useful app for children and young people and can be downloaded for free from the App Store for all Android and Apple IOS smartphones and tablets. The CAMHS national website also has a wide range of resources for young people and carers including downloadable materials, books, website links, videos and apps. Click here for more details.
You can also look at the Useful tools sections in other parts of our website.