Diabetes Community Adult Specialist Nursing Service

About the service

The service is Consultant supported and led by a team of diabetes specialist nurses. 

What we do

The aim is to provide diabetes specialist advice and guidance by supporting and working alongside health care professionals who are looking after people with diabetes in the Community and within GP practices.

The service delivers a range of group education sessions for those with diabetes - please ask your GP or practice nurse regarding a referral to the appropriate group. 


Accessing the service

Access to the service is by referral only - adults must be registered with a Southampton City GP.

Most adult diabetes care is managed within in GP surgeries. However, if specialist support is required a healthcare professional referral is required. This may be for group education, an appointment within the GP surgery to see the diabetes specialist nurse or to be seen in the Diabetes Centre by one or all of the multidisciplinary team (Consultant, diabetes specialist nurse, dietitian).

Healthcare professionals, please refer to the service referral criteria using the appropriate diabetes referral forms and send securely to the email address supplied on the form. 

How to find us

Diabetes Resource Centre, Level A
Royal South Hants Hospital
SO14 0YG

Contact information

Telephone: 0300 123 3397
Open hours: Monday- Friday, 9am - 5pm

Email address

Accessibility tools

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