Becoming a member means you can have a much greater say in your local healthcare. Your voice counts.
Why become a member?
We're always striving to improve and as a member, you can help us do this. We want to hear your experience of our services. We want to know how you think we should invest our money, and where we should develop services further.
We want to know when things go well, and when they don't, so we can address issues and problems quickly. In order for our services to meet the needs of local people and communities, we need to know what you expect and want.
You can be involved as little or as much as you'd like, and in a variety of different ways. You may just want to receive updates about what the Trust is doing, you may want to come along to local meetings and focus groups, or take part in surveys and questionnaires.
Being a member won't affect the care and treatment you receive. You also don't have to agree with everything our Trust does, or share our views.
As a member, you'll be able to:
- Present your ideas, feedback or concerns to the Trust
- Elect fellow members to become Governors (or stand for Governor yourself)
- Meet and interact with the Council of Governors
- Go to constituency meetings to discuss health care in your local area
- Attend the Annual Members' Meeting
- Register for Health Service Discounts, where you can find a huge range of offers and benefits
Becoming a member is quick and easy - simply complete the paper application form or the online version. We also have an easy read version of the application form
When you join you can either select your type of membership as public or service user and carer.
Public constituencies
Our public membership is made up of individuals who live in a specific area as outlined within the Constitution. They are divided into six constituencies based on local government boundaries.
- Isle of Wight
- North Hampshire
- Portsmouth
- Rest of England
- Southampton
- South East Hampshire
- South West Hampshire
If you are a member of staff, you are automatically enrolled into our membership scheme.
Service User and Carer Constituency
The Service User and Carer Constituency is made up of members who have used services or cared for those who have used services in a period of 3 years immediately preceding the date of an application by the patient or carer to become a member of the trust. This Constituency has not been divided into classes.
This could be in any area, and includes all of our services across physical health, mental health and learning disabilities.
We will only contact members by their preferred method. The Trust may need to share your information with third party organisations for governor elections, printing and maintaining a membership database. Cancellation of membership can be made at any time online or by contacting the Membership office by emailing
Contact us
Complete the online application form or our easy read application form