Our Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Teams provide intensive support for people experiencing an acute or ‘crisis’ episode during their mental illness. Also known as ‘hospital at home’ teams, this service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We know that people usually feel safer, more relaxed and recover better when they are in their own homes. Even when very unwell, our support is there to help people remain independent and continue living as normal a life as possible.
What we do
Our team of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists and support workers want to work with you to keep you out of hospital. However, if together we decide the best thing for you would be a short stay in hospital, we’ll make sure we find you a bed to get this support. From the start of your time in hospital, we will create a plan with you to get you back home as soon as possible.
Once a patient starts to feel better, no longer needing the support of our Crisis Resolution Home Treatment teams but still requiring ongoing support, they’ll be referred back to their local Community Mental Health Team.
Accessing the service
If you feel that you need support from our Crisis Resolution Home Treatment team (CRHT), please speak to your GP to request a referral.
We also accept referrals from other sources such as:
- other health services (e.g. midwives, health visitors and practice nurses)
- emergency services
- people who are already known to our services and their families
- agencies other than health services that support people with mental health problems.
Sometimes CRHT will receive a referral and may consider another service more appropriate. Transfer to this service will be completed with consideration given to your needs and risks.
Contact information
Isle of Wight Team
Chantry House Duty Team - the Community Mental Health Service crisis support line is only available for people open to this service (opening times: 9am-5pm Monday to Friday)
Tel: 01983 525254
If you are not open to the secondary mental health service but are in crisis, call (between 5pm-10pm)
Tel: 01983 522214 or call: 111 (24-hours)
Out of Hours Crisis Team (outside of Chantry House’s opening hours)
Tel: 01983 522214 (7am-10pm Monday to Friday)
Mid & North Hampshire Team
Tel: 01256 817718
Out of hours crisis line: 01256 376507
Address: Parklands Hospital, Aldermaston Rd, Basingstoke RG24 9RH
East Hampshire Team
Tel: 02382 311900
Email: eastcrhtt@southernhealth.nhs.uk
Address: CRHTT Basepoint Havant, Unit 37, Harts Farm Way, Havant, PO9 1HS
South West Team
Tel: 0300 303 1900
Out of hours- 02382 317000
Email: swcrhtt@southernhealth.nhs.uk
Address: Elms,Tatchbury Mount, Calmore, Southampton, SO40 2RZ
Southampton Team
Tel: 02380 835535 or 02380 835552
Email: southamptonamhteam@southernhealth.nhs.uk
Address: Antelope House, Royal South Hants Hospital site, Brintons Terrace, Southampton SO14 0YG
Portsmouth Team (formerly Solent NHS Trust CHRT)
Tel: 0300 123 3924
Address: Unit 1-14, The Orchards, Locksway Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8FE
Out of hours
Out of hours urgent and emergency mental health support:
NHS111 24hr Mental Health Triage Team: Call 111