0-19 Health Visiting and School Nursing


About the service

The 0-19 Service provides a range of community-based nursing and mental health services to children aged 0-19-years-old and their families across Hampshire and Isle of Wight. 

Our services aim to improve outcomes for children and their families through the delivery of the UK Government Healthy Child Programme. This offer will look different depending on what area of Hampshire you live. 

Health visitors are here to help you and your family from pre-birth until your child goes to school. We see some families more regularly if you need more help, which you can request at any point. Our health visitors are nurses or midwives who work with families to give pre-school-age children healthy lifestyles and prevent illness. 

We may see you at home or in a community venue and also offer text, a phone or video contact depending on your needs. 


School Nurses are public health professionals who work with school aged children and their families, assessing individual and community health needs to enable children to attain their optimum health and educational potential.

If your child attends a Southampton, Portsmouth or Isle of Wight school, visit Healthier Together.

If your child attends a Hampshire school (excluding the above locations), visit Health4kids (primary) or Health4teens (secondary) for further health advice and information.


ChatHealth is a confidential text support service for parents, carers, families and young people in Hampshire. The health visiting and school nursing teams have a wealth of experience and are trained to support with a wide range of health and wellbeing issues. As well as giving advice, the team can signpost to appropriate services.

Parents of 0-5-year-olds

Text 07520 615720

Opening times: 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday-Friday exc. bank holidays

For health visiting appointments, please contact your Health Visitor directly.

Parents of 5-19-year-olds

Text 07507 332417

Opening times: 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday-Friday exc. bank holidays

People aged 11-19-year-olds

Text 07507 332160

Opening times: 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday-Friday exc. bank holidays

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Contact information

Hampshire Health Visiting Your Health Visiting Service - Hampshire | Health for Under5s

Southampton Health Visiting Telephone: 0300 123 6661 Email: southamptonhealthvisiting@solent.nhs.uk

Portsmouth Health Visiting Telephone: 0300 123 6629 Email: PortsmouthHealthVisitingClient@solent.nhs.uk

Isle of Wight Health Visiting Telephone: 0300 123 5224 Email: iowhealthvisiting@solent.nhs.uk

Hampshire School Nursing Health for Kids | School Nurses | Hampshire Find Help | Health for Teens | Hampshire

Southampton School Nursing Telephone: 0300 123 6661 Email: PublicHealthNursingSouthampton@solent.nhs.uk

Portsmouth School Nursing Telephone: 0300 123 6629 Email: portsmouthschoolnursingservice@solent.nhs.uk

Isle of Wight School Nursing Telephone: 0300 123 5224 Email: iowschoolnursing@solent.nhs.uk

Further information

Visit Hampshire Healthy Families website or Healthier Together for the latest advice, guidance and support for children aged 0-19-years-old.

Visit This May Help (a website with advice for supporting your child’s mental health)

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