About the service
Adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Service provides assessment, intervention and management of acquired communication and / or swallowing difficulties for people aged 16 years and over, who are registered with a GP in Southampton.
What we do
The SLT service provides assessment, intervention and management of acquired communication and / or swallowing difficulties for people aged 16 years and over.
A range of services are available including community in-patient, outpatient and domiciliary services to people with stroke, progressive neurological conditions, frail elderly, people with dementia and head injury.
Assessment for an alternative or augmentative communication system (AAC) are available, and appointments may be held face to face or remotely using telemedicine. SLTs provide assessment and where indicated, goal based one-to-one or group therapy, as well as support and information for patients, carers and multidisciplinary colleagues.
Accessing the service
The service operates an open referral system. This means that anyone can refer into the team, including the patients themselves, however a referral from a health or social care professional is preferred.
To access the service you must be aged 16 years or over, with an acquired communication or swallowing difficulty.
All referrals should be made using the SLT referral form. When making a referral into the service please ensure you have as much information as possible to help us. This includes information such as, patient and referrer contact details, reason for referral and relevant medical history alongside details of the persons communication or swallowing difficulties.
Patients should be referred by sending the completed referral form to: adultcommunitysalt@solent.nhs.uk
Contact information
Tel: 0300 123 3948
Western Community Hospital, William Macleoad Way, Southampton, SO16 4XE