FOI - Publication Scheme

A publication scheme describes the information the Trust publishes, or intends to publish. In this context, 'publish' means to make information available, routinely.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust's publication scheme has been designed to comply with the Information Commissioner's Office model publication scheme guidance.

Information is published in accordance with the model publication scheme on the Trust's website and this can be accessed using the links on this page. Hard copies of the information can be provided on request, but may incur additional costs to cover printing and postage. 

The information has been divided into seven classes of information as detailed below. Given the amount of information held by the Trust, it will not be possible to publish it all online. In many cases, information normally found in a publication scheme is available elsewhere on the Trust's website. If the information you require is not available here or on the Trust's website, then please submit a Freedom of Information request

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was formed in 2024 when Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Solent NHS Trust and some services From Isle of Wight NHS Trust and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust merged to form a new organisation.

Some combined documents are currently in development. For now, you may find some documents relating to our legacy organisations.

This section provides details about our organisation, including locations, contacts, and constitutional and legal governance.

About Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was formed in 2024 when Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Solent NHS Trust and some services from Isle of Wight NHS Trust and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust merged to form a new organisation.

We are regulated by NHS Improvement/NHS England, the independent regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts. Their role is to ensure that NHS Foundation Trusts comply with the conditions they signed up to, they are well-led and financially robust.

Further information can be found on these pages: 

This section provides financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Our Annual Reports and Accounts contain information on our Trust's expenditure and other financial information relating to:

  • Budgets and variance reports
  • Financial audit reports including our annual audit letters 
  • Our capital programme
  • Staff and Board members' allowances and expenses
  • Funding
  • Procurement and contracts 

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will advertise its tenders in accordance with the EU Public Contracts Regulations which states that Goods and Services contracts worth over £106,047, Works Contracts over £4,104,394 and for light touch regime contracts (also known as Annex XIV contracts) worth over £589,148 (thresholds are net of VAT) be advertised through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

The exception would be where the Trust has made use of existing EU Compliant Framework Agreements either individually or through collaboration with other Authorities.

Background information relating to the tenders sought and awarded by the Trust will be included in this publication. Items not included will be those where a commercial issue or issue of confidentiality is involved.

Our Fraud and Corruption Strategy describes how we will develop and maintain arrangements to counter fraud, bribery and corruption.

Our Standing Financial Instructions include information regarding how the Trust identifies and implements its financial responsibilities; and Information about our procurement and tendering procedures. Reports on our expenditure over £25k can be found in our documents library. 

The Trust follows the national Agenda for Change structure with regards to staff pay and grading structures. 

This section contains information about our strategy, performance, plans, assessments, inspections, and reviews.

This section includes information about our policy proposals and decisions, the processes we follow to make decisions, our internal criteria and procedures, as well as consultations.

Our Trust Board has ultimate responsibility for decisions made about the provision of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust services. For more information please take a look at our structure or our Board. 

Board papers, agendas, and minutes are regularly published and updated on our website.

Our Patient and Public Involvement Strategy contains information about how we involve patients and the public in designing, developing and improving Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare.

Our public consultations (for example, concerning closures or variations of service) will be listed on our website under 'Have your say'


This section contains links to the current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.

To view each of our policies and procedures, please visit our documents library.

This section details the information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.

Please note that guidance on information available for re-use under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 is published on our website.

Please contact our Freedom of Information team if you would like information regarding:

  • Asset registers
  • Information asset registers
  • Our CCTV surveillance cameras

You can also visit our Freedom of Information page for more information about submitting a request.

This section provides links to advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases, as well as a description of the services offered.

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